Stay Sober and Save the World the Cave Woman Way
“I cannot recommend this book enough! Don't assume you know what this book is about based on the title because it's about so much more than sobriety. Whether you suffer from anxiety, have experienced trauma, have an addiction or just need to hear a friendly, relatable voice, this book is for you.
Anyone and everyone can benefit from the sage wisdom in this book because, let's face it, we're all healing from something. Told in story form, this book is engaging and easy to read and offers a plethora of no-nonsense, implementable tips toward healing and wholeness.
I originally got the digital version but I just ordered the hard copy so I can make notations to refer to over and over again. It has quickly become one of my favorite books.” ~PowderPuff (Amazon review)
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Stay Sober and Save the World the Cave Woman Way
Dear Cave Woman,
Why do people have addictions?
Let’s start with a bit of background. In my community, we relied on each other to remain stable and resilient like a hive of honeybees.
We supported each other, completely and unconditionally. My entire being – my senses, my intuition, my body – craved and was nurtured by this wholeness, by my hive, by a honeyed love that filled in all the crevices.
We supported each other’s strengths and offset any weaknesses. It felt amazing to be a part of my hive, like being wildly in love, and you’re missing that. You’re missing the protection a hive provides within a flourishing ecosystem. The loss can feel irreparable when you think living like a lone bee is your only safe option. Separateness creates a vacuum inside you and stopgap measures like addictions arise.
No one consciously chooses addiction. The loss of cohesive wise communities proliferated addiction. Addiction is an unconscious attempt to fill an inconceivable void.
Because very few humans live in a healthy community like mine, you won’t find one to join. But you can use my community, the hive of my heart, as a metaphor to become a whole human being.
Your beehive needs a few repairs. However, mending the rips and tears cause all your resources to focus, once again, on protecting the queen. With a shored-up hive, you’ll align with the guidance that you truly crave.
As you sync up with people actively repairing their own hearts, the protection you gain will leave you less vulnerable to those who would steal your honey.
Enter my cave. Let your eyes adjust to the dark. Then follow the map of your heart to an ancient lineage ready to bid you welcome.