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I See and Experience ADHD Differently
[1 minute read]
I See and Experience ADHD Differently
Have you ever asked a friend for advice and then changed the topic because they completely missed the mark?
That's my sentiment towards most "expert" advice on ADHD. Honestly, I don't need another "management" tool adding to my pile of things to fail at.
The reality of ADHD is that we experience life more intensely than those without ADHD.
I've often wished I could install volume dials on various aspects of myself and adjust the levels as needed. Although that didn't happen, I was fortunate to find the next best thing.
I lucked out through my love, study, and creation of mind-body skills which help me navigate my restless body, strong emotions, noisy survival system, busy mind, and enough archetypes and aspects to fill a dozen tarot decks.
When I allow and work with the pieces of me that need attention, I can hear my own intuitive insights much more clearly. All the parts of me get a voice, and they don’t need to shout quite as loudly.
As ADHDers, our powerful perception and quick thinking historically protected our communities. We were cared for like invaluable navigational tools.
I call us High Perceivers.
In ancient times, High Perceivers culled clues and signals into valuable insights. This is a practice we can reclaim in our own lives, for greater freedom from cultural limitations, for increased clarity, to meet our needs safely, and realize our true-self dreams.

Stick with me,
stick with recovery.
Every day you'll hear a new note,
a new tune,
a whole new vibration,
and rhythm.
~Cave Woman